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Where can I buy a membership? Memberships are available at: Bob Wards', Capital Sports, Murdochs, and Sportsman's Warehouse. The cost for 2024 is $50.00

How long is the membership good for? Your membership begins the day you purchase it and runs to December 31st of the current year. Members just renew annually beginning in January.

Can we bring a guest? At this time the range at PPSA is for members only. However we have Guest Passes that are available for purchase at the range. The cost is $10.00 per person over the age of 18, and is good for the day.


What is the farthest targets distance? We offer target distances from 25 yds out to 500 yds.


Is this just a rife range? No, we also offer a state of the art Pistol range with target distances from 1 yd to 35 yds and steel plates at 35, 40, and 45 yds.


Can I shoot center file pistols in the rim fire area? No only .22 cal. and .17 cal. rim fire pistols can be used in the rim fire area.


Can I shoot shotguns on this range? NO SHOTGUNS AT ALL


What about slugs/This isn't fair muzzleloaders are similar/Why can't I do xyz with shotgun/I want an exception to the rule because I clean up my slugs/etc.? No shotguns are allowed on our range AT ALL. This question comes up constantly and usually the argument is made that shotgun slugs are no more harmful than muzzle loaders. The simple answer is an extremely limited number of members use muzzle loaders at the range. Even so, slugs do cause more damage to our target backers and cause them to be changed more frequently than with normal bullets. When members miss the backer and hit the target frames it causes significant damage to the frames, and this requires more maintenance time/cost than simply changing backers. In the past people have also shot our steel targets and damaged those as well. We are tired of dealing with this. Furthermore, hulls and wads require shooters to go down range to pick up, which puts people in front of the firing lines. This interrupts the shooting cycle of other shooters, and we have found most shooters do not even attempt to clean these up when done shooting. This creates significant maintenance problems for us at the range. Additionally, other people see members shooting slugs and inevitably start shooting normal shot shells on our ranges. Finally, slugs and pellets fall out of our current lead mitigation area and go against our ongoing lead mitigation policy we share with the United State Forest Service. We lease their land, so we have to abide by their requirements. Therefore, no shotguns of any type are allowedMembers will be permanently banned for using a shotgun of any type at our range.


Are there any competitive shooting events I can look into? Absolutely! But they change yearly. Please check out News and Events tab for updated information. 


Does PPSA offer any training classes like for concealed carry or basic firearms safety? Currently classes are being developed that will be available to members and the general public. Please watch the web site as these will be posted as dates and times are approved by the Board of Directors.


What does the PPSA stand for? Prickly Pear Sportsmen's Association.


What should I do if I am on the range and observe an unsafe situation? SAFETY FIRST, if you feel comfortable, take action to correct the situation to insure the safety of others on the range. Report all unsafe situations to the association by contacting any member of the PPSA Board of Directors.


I AM INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING SOME TIME TO THE ASSOCIATION. HOW DO I GO ABOUT THAT? The Board of Directors are always looking for individuals who are willing to help with the Range and the activities. Please contact Cory Olson, Board Chairman, or Neil Horne, President, using the CONTACT US tab or click on "Club Officers" page.


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